Congratulation's to our Students of the Month of March!
10 months ago, Mary Perrien
Mrs. LaClair's 5th grade students are loving multiplication fact practice gamified! The games help them with fact retrieval and fact strategies.
10 months ago, Mary Perrien
Students in Mrs. Sweet's Science classes complete a STEM project called Burn to finish their unit on Changes in Matter. They observed candles to discuss the chemistry involved. They also observed capillary action using colored water and paper towels.
10 months ago, Mary Perrien
Students in Mrs. Sweet's Science classes experimented with physical and chemical changes. Physical changes included making (and flying) paper airplanes and creating a clay sculpture. Chemical changes included activities like swirling milk with food coloring and dish soap, writing secret messages with blackberries, and putting pennies in vinegar.
10 months ago, Mary Perrien
Students in Mrs. Roberts room completed a Shamrock Shenanigans Virtual Escape Room.
10 months ago, Mary Perrien
There's still time to buy tickets for this weekend's production of Footloose the Musical! Tickets can be bought here:
10 months ago, Becca Powell
Good luck to our Golf, HS Track, JV Baseball & MS Baseball/Softball teams today. Go Marauders!
10 months ago, Michele Moore
Game day 4/24/24
Game Day 4/24/24
game day 4/24/24
Just a reminder! If you would like a 2023-2024 Yearbook from Leonard Elementary the ordering deadline is April 30th! Please click on the link for ordering information.
10 months ago, Valorie Zemla
Please review this important communication regarding the closure of Leonard Elementary (Grades K-2 only) on Thursday, April 25, 2024
10 months ago, Crystal Loynes
Leonard Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week!
10 months ago, Valorie Zemla
Good luck to our Lacrosse team and our MS Track team today. Go Marauders!
10 months ago, Michele Moore
Game Day 4/23/24
Good luck to all of our teams competing today. Go Marauders!
10 months ago, Michele Moore
Game Day 4/23/24
Game Day 4/23/24
Game Day 4/23/24
Game Day 4/23/24
Athletics High School & Middle School - Week of 4/22/24
10 months ago, Michele Moore
Athletics week of 4/22
Athletics week of 4/22
Hello Leonard families! Our kindness challenge this week is "Leave a kind note in a library book." Be sure to post your photos to our Leonard's Kindness Page to spread your kindness to others!
10 months ago, Valorie Zemla
Mrs. Westenberg’s and Mrs. Snelling’s class have new friends visiting. They arrived on Thursday and are already growing fatter. We can’t wait until these Painted Lady caterpillars turn into chrysalises.
10 months ago, Valorie Zemla
KDG class
Kindergartners practicing to read their decodable book with a whisper phone. These readers are growing their brains! What a great day to be a kindergartner!
10 months ago, Valorie Zemla
Mrs. Snelling's class
Mrs. Snelling's class
Mrs. Snelling's class
Mrs. Snelling's class
Mrs. Snelling's class
Frog on a Log? Yes this story starts with a frog sitting on a log and continues the rhyming. The kids loved this story and their Foodie Fun making a frog on a log. Of course the. We had to read the sequel Dog on a Frog! It was a great day to be a Kindergartner!
10 months ago, Valorie Zemla
Mrs. Snelling's class
Mrs. Snelling's class
Mrs. Snelling's class
Mrs. Snelling's class
Mrs. Snelling's class
Lucas is our newest Kindergarten Sight Word Master! Congratulations!
10 months ago, Valorie Zemla
Mrs. Snelling's class
Mrs. Snelling's class
Reminder that the deadline to submit letters or items for Senior Decision Day Swag bags is coming up on MAY 10th! You can email letters to (please make sure you clearly indicate which seniors they are for) or you may drop off physical letters and items at the high school office. The high school counseling office is providing drawstring backpacks and some smaller items to celebrate every senior, but letters from friends and family always make it more personal so help us send off our seniors with their cups overflowing <3
10 months ago, OEHS Counseling Department
Decision Day
Good luck to our athletes competing today. Go Marauders!
10 months ago, Michele Moore
Game Day 4/22/24
Game Day 4/22/24
Game Day 4/22/24
Game Day 4/22/24