Fri. 1/18 - Popcorn Day & End of 2nd Marking Period

Mon. 1/21 - No school staff or students - MLK Day

Fri. 1/25 - Pickle Day

Tues. 1/29 - Dentist R US

Fri. 2/1 - Early release 11:15 - PD Day & Pickle Day

Wed. 3/6 -  2nd Grade Music Program - Mrs. Harger & Miss Gingrich @ 5:30

                                                                        Mrs. Windnagle & Mr. Perdue @ 6:45 

All Music Programs are at the High School. 

Students need to be in band room 20 minutes prior to their program. 

Fri. 2/8 - Popcorn Day

Mon. 2/11 & Tues. 2/12 - Parent/Teacher Conferences- The following is the link parents/guardians need to sign up for conferences. Times goes fast so please sign up as soon as you can. Thank you.

If you want to make an appointment for the time being you will have to type in the address in your browser and it will let you in that way. We are working on getting it corrected.

Fri. 2/15 - Mon. 2/18 - Mid Winter Break - School resumes Tues. 2/19