Middle School Announcements 1/8/19
Attention any student interested in the National Geography Bee: There is a sign up in the office for the first round of the competition. The first round will take place this Friday in Mr. Latz’s room during 7th hour. Any 6th, 7th, and 8th graders are welcome to compete!
Attention 6th, 7th and 8th Grade girls volleyball players. There is a sign-up sheet in the office for Red Cedar Volleyball.
If you participated in winter sports we have individual pictures in the office. Please come to pick up at lunch.
If you find a silver mantra bracelet that says “Warrior” on it please return it to the office. It is a very special bracelet that Mrs. Kirby lost, and it would mean a lot to her to have it back.
Student Challenge will meet Wednesday at 7:15AM in the 8th grade students work room. All students and staff are welcome to attend.
We have no student birthdays today.