Happy Birthday to Jack G and Breckin K today and Clay W is celebrating his birthday on Sunday.
Attention final robotics team members - Please let Mr. Wertz know if you will be staying for practice from 11:30 - 12:30 today or from 3:00 to 4:00.
We are still collecting new gloves, hats, and scarves by the Christmas tree in the lobby to help local people in need.
We will be opening the concessions stand this Friday so if you are in the mood for a delicious treat bring your spare cash.
A reminder that “No hats, hoods, or headgear of any kind are to be worn in the school building.”. If you violate this rule you will be served an immediate blue slip.
We have 6th grade in the gym Monday morning.
We’re excited to announce our Spirit Days winners.
6th grade we have Rowan M & Joseph Z
7th grade we have Carson W & Jacob C
8th grade we have Christina V & Kadon C
Staff member we have Mr H & Mrs H
Please come on down to the office AFTER announcements if you are wearing blue and gold Marauder wear.
Let’s make the most of our African Dance Assembly and show our visitors some true Marauder hospitality. Be a great audience!!
Have a Fantastic Friday and enjoy your ½ day!