Middle School Announcements 12/5/18

Middle School Announcements 12/5/18

  • Last night the wrestling team faced off against Mt. Morris and Chesaning. OE won the majority of the matches in a route to 2 dual wins. OE finished out the season with 5 straight duals wins. Saturday we are headed to St. Louis to compete for Individual titles.

  • Happy Birthday to Phoenix G and Telexia T today.

  • Please bring in new gloves, hats, and scarves to help local families in need this winter! You can place your donation in the bins by the Christmas tree in the lobby!

  • There will be robotics team practice after school today for the following groups:  web design, social media, communication, programmers, and blue builders.

  • We will be opening the concessions stand this Friday so if you are in the mood for a delicious treat bring your spare cash.

  • A reminder that we have 8th grade in the gym Thursday morning.

  • We’re excited to announce the belated October Students of the Month.  

    • 6th grade we have Clayton F & Aubrey K.

    • 7th grade we have Willow E & Nicholas C.

    • 8th grade we have Murphy A & Gunner B.

    • Please come on down to the office AFTER announcements to collect your certificates and have your picture taken.

  • Finally Mrs Holley’s chuckle time:

Question: What do you get if you cross an iPad with a Christmas tree?

Answer: A pineapple.  

Have a Winning Wednesday at OE!