OEMS Announcements

Announcements Monday 03/10/2025: 

Good morning staff and students!  Welcome to Ovid-Elsie Middle School where we are inspiring life-long learners to achieve their full potential and excel in a changing world.  Today is Monday March 10th, 2025.  Please stand for the pledge…..

Happy Birthday over the weekend to Tori and Joey K., Leland B., Grant R. and Jonathan P..  Hope that you had an amazing birthday guys!

In wrestling news:

Congratulations to: Maxwell B., Will B., Levi S.

on qualifying for the State Championships in Kalamazoo!!!

Excellent work guys!!


The middle school track and field season is about to begin, and we're looking for enthusiastic students to join our team! Whether you're a sprinter, hurdler, distance runner, jumper, or thrower - there's an event for everyone!

Practice starts Monday, March 24th!  

No previous experience necessary - just bring your energy and willingness to learn!



The Student Leadership Team is now accepting self-nominations for the 2025-2026 school year! This is your opportunity to help shape our school culture, provide support to students and staff, and develop valuable leadership skills.


  • Provides support to students and staff both in classrooms and school-wide

  • Positively influences school culture

  • Inspires others to achieve and reach for more

  • Helps solve problems and improve situations at school

Pick up a Self-Nomination Form from the main office

  • Complete all sections

  • Return your completed form to the main office


Don't miss this chance to develop your leadership skills and make a meaningful impact on our school community!

We have lots of March is Reading Month news:

After the first week of our reading competition, Mrs. Duckert's 4th hour class leads the 6th grade with 4 tickets turned in, Mrs. Willbanks' 5th hour class leads the 7th grade with 24 tickets turned in, and Mrs. Collins' 2nd hour class leads the 8th grade with 28 tickets turned in! Way to get after it everyone! Our prize winners for our first week are as follows: 6th grade: Haley S., Troy A., Chase P., 7th grade: Kyla K., Ryan F., Jasmine P., and 8th grade: Brandon M., Conner B., and Christian C.! You can all come on down to the office to pick out a prize. Remember, we still have 3 more weeks for this competition so it is still anyone's game. Our top readers for each grade will win a gift card to Blue Moon!:

Our next March is Reading Month dress up day is Friday.  we will be wearing pajamas to cozy up with a good book.

You have until March 12th to get your design for the March is Reading Month Bookmark competition in to your Language Arts teachers.


Italian sub, sweet potato fries, strawberry cup and milk.

And now it’s time for Manic Mystery Monday Literature Edition to celebrate March is Reading Month so pop your thinking caps on and teachers dial 1420 when you have heard the entire question and your class has an answer:

Question: In “The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe” what is the name of the lion?

Answer: Aslan.

Class: Miller.

Note: Aslan, a lion, is the rightful King of Narnia and other magic countries. He sacrifices himself to save Edmund, but is resurrected in time to aid the denizens of Narnia and the Pevensie children against the White Witch and her minions.

Have a marvelous Monday everybody!

Announcements Tuesday 03/11/2025: 

We have a special guest announcer this morning.  Take it away Kylynn S.!  

Good morning staff and students!  Welcome to Ovid-Elsie Middle School where we are inspiring life-long learners to achieve their full potential and excel in a changing world.  Today is Tuesday March 11th, 2025.  Please stand for the pledge…..

FFA News:

Last week middle school FFA members competed at the FFA state leadership conference. Rebecca L. received a silver award for her speech entitled "Sand, not just for beaches."  Sofia C. and Lily M. received a Gold award and took home the state title for the Agriscience Fair in the area of plant systems with their spinach plant and Mars soil experiment and the Jr. High conduct of meetings team also earned a State title and a Gold award for their contest which teaches members how to properly run a business meeting.  Members of the team include: Lily M., Audrey A., Elizabeth K., KyLynn S.

In Sports News:

MS Softball Club - Tryouts are next Monday, March 17th.  Sign ups are in the office.  You have until this Friday to sign up.

MS Track and Field - The season is about to begin, and we're looking for enthusiastic 6th, 7th and 8th grade students to join our team!

Practice starts Monday, March 24th!  

No previous experience necessary - just bring your energy and willingness to learn!  You must have a sports physical on file to practice.

Student Leadership Team News:

The Student Leadership Team is now accepting 6th and 7th grade students self-nominations for the 2025-2026 school year! This is your opportunity to help shape our school culture, provide support to students and staff, and develop valuable leadership skills.

Pick up a Self-Nomination Form from the main office

  • Complete all sections

  • Return your completed form to the main office


Don't miss this chance to develop your leadership skills and make a meaningful impact on our school community!

We have lots of March is Reading Month news:

Our next March is Reading Month dress up day is Friday.  We will be wearing pajamas to cozy up with a good book.

You have until this Wednesday, March 12th, to get your design for the March is Reading Month Bookmark Competition in to your Language Arts teachers.

No Book Check Out or Library today


Taco, refried beans, applesauce and milk.

Have a terrific Tuesday everybody and remember it may not be easy but it will definitely be worth it!