OEMS Announcements

01/20/2025 - MLK Day. No school

01/21/2025 - SNOW DAY

01/22/2025 - SNOW DAY

Announcements Thursday 01/23/2025: 

Good morning staff and students!  Welcome to Ovid-Elsie Middle School where we are inspiring life-long learners to achieve their full potential and excel in a changing world.  Today is Thursday January 23rd, 2025.  Please stand for the pledge…..

Today is the beginning of the new marking period.  Please check powerschool for any changes to your schedule.

Today is our first collection day for the Polar Plunge.  Turn your forms and money into your first hour teachers.  Don’t forget that you can also turn in your artwork for the OEMS Mural Competition by next Friday, January 31st.  You still have a week to work on those and materials will continue to be available at lunchtime.

In the lobby bathrooms lights have been changed to a sensor instead of a switch.  Just like in classrooms, they might look dark but once you go in, they will turn on.

We will have concessions tomorrow, so bring your monies for the sugar sling.


Cheesy pull apart bread, celery sticks, fruit slushie and milk.

Have a terrific Thursday everybody and remember it may not be easy but it will definitely be worth it!

Announcements Friday 01/24/2025: 

Good morning staff and students!  Welcome to Ovid-Elsie Middle School where we are inspiring life-long learners to achieve their full potential and excel in a changing world.  Today is Friday January 24th, 2025.  Please stand for the pledge…..

Happy Birthday today to Coltyn S. Have a wonderful birthday Colton!

You can still turn forms and money into your first hour teachers for the Polar Plunge until February 10th.  The sooner that you turn them in, the better the chance that you will be able to get a T-shirt.  

Don’t forget that you can also turn in your artwork for the OEMS Mural Competition by next Friday, January 31st.  

Beginning of a new marking period - tardies


Popcorn chicken, corn, mixed fruit and milk.

And now it’s time for the best time of the week, Ms. Holley’s Chuckle Time:

Question: How does an Eskimo fix something that’s broken?

Answer: He glues it - Igloos it!

Have a fantastic Friday everybody!   It looks like today is a great day to have a great day!!