Announcements 11/18/2019
Good Morning staff and students Welcome to Ovid-Elsie Middle School where we are inspiring life-long learners to achieve their full potential and excel in a changing world. Today is Monday, November 18th, 2019. Please stand for the pledge: I pledge allegiance to the flag …
For the next couple of weeks we’re going to concentrate on being thankful. Modern day Yoda, Oprah said, “Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.”. Wise that is!
Student Challenge will begin meeting in the High School wood shop beginning this Thursday. All middle school and high school students are invited to come.
Due to some scheduling conflicts, our new Middle School Campus Life will not be holding their first meeting until December.
Middle school cheer will also allow six grade athletes to participate. There’s a sign up in the office practice 5:30 to 7:30 Monday through Thursday.
Shiawassee Co. Fair. are running a Christmas Ornament Decorating Contest until November 29th. If you are interested come on in to the office to grab a flyer.
Results from our Marauder Wrestling Team Tournament-
1st- St. Louis
2nd- Ithaca
3rd- Shepherd
4th- New Lothrop
5th- Ovid-Elsie
6th- Perry
Standouts for Ovid-Elsie
Talan P - 5-0 on the day with 4 pins
Cole W - 5-0 with 4 pins
Logan W - 5-0 with 4 pins
Our MS/HS play, is coming up this Friday and Saturday
Doors will open at 6:30pm with tickets being sold at the door.
The final results of the robotics team coin war are in and the winning 1st hour is Mr. Latz’s class with an amazing total of 26,106 points. Coming in 2nd place was Mr. Belill’s class with 16,582 points and in 3rd place was Mr. Fluharty’s class with 11,454 points. Our grand total of money raised this year was a record high $1,230.26!!! A huge thanks goes out to all who donated! The team appreciates your generosity.
Happy birthday to Jaylin B, Jackson C, Dalton J and Tory P who celebrated their birthdays over the long weekend. Hope that you all had a great time.
And now it’s time for Manic Mystery Monday, Teachers please call Extension 1420 when you have heard the entire question:
Question: How many times have Michigan met Michigan State in Football?
Answer: 112 times
Fun Facts: The teams have met 112 times with Michigan State winning 36 games, Michigan winning 71 games and five games ending with the score tied. The teams first played in 1898.
Have a marvelous Monday! And remember, it’s always a great day to have a great day!
Announcements 11/19/2019
For this week’s Kindness Challenge let’s think of gratitude. It is not happy people who are thankful. It is thankful people who are happy. The act of thinking of what you have to be grateful for in itself makes you happier.
Student Challenge will be meeting in the High School Woodshop beginning this Thursday. All middle school students are invited to come.
Don’t forget to come to the school play on Friday or Saturday & support your classmates. Doors open at 6:30pm.
It’s a short day today, let’s make the most out of every minute! Have a terrific Tuesday!
Announcements 11/20/2019
For this week’s Kindness Challenge let’s think of gratitude. Take a minute to think of all the little things that we have to be thankful for because without them they would not seem so little!
Student Challenge will be meeting in the High School Woodshop tomorrow.
Highlight from Tuesday night dual at Byron middle school
Jacob B earned a 3rd period pin
Talan P earned a 2nd period pin
Cole W earned a 18-1 technical fall and a 13-2 win
Peyton H earned his first 1st period pin
Harris E also earned his first 1st period pin.
Everyone wrestled tough and gave it their all! Looking forward to getting back in action Friday night in Montrose!
Don’t forget to come to the school play on Friday or Saturday & support your classmates. Doors open at 6:30pm.
We have one student's birthday today. Happy Birthday to Joseph B. Have a great day Joey!
7th grade PALS meeting during lunch today. Bring your lunch to the meeting.
And now it’s time for the most thankful time of the week. It’s Mrs Holley’s Thanksgiving Themed Chuckle Time:
Question: Why did the cranberries turn red?
Answer: Because they saw the turkey dressing.
Finally we have some students to celebrate. Here are our October Students of the Month.
In 6th grade we have Payton M and Landen K.
In 7th grade we have Abigail T and Clayton F.
In 8th grade we have Genevieve H and Dominic K.
Congratulations guys! We’re really proud of your great citizenship and your work ethic. You make school a better place!
Please come down to the office to have your photograph taken and receive your certificates.
Have a remarkable Wednesday! And remember, it’s always a great day to have a great day!
Announcements 11/21/2019
For this week’s Kindness Challenge let’s think of gratitude. Right now think of 3 things that make you smile and be thankful for them.
Mr Fluharty and the 6th grade have kindly volunteered to put up our Middle School Christmas tree. If you have a decoration that you would like to donate to our tree please bring that in to the office.
Don’t forget to come to the school play tomorrow or Saturday. Doors open at 6:30pm.
We have one student's birthday today. Happy Birthday to Wesley P. Have a great day Wesley!
Tomorrow is blue & gold day. Wear your Marauder Spirit Wear!
We will be selling concessions at the end of the day tomorrow so bring your monies.
Have a tremendous Thursday!
Announcements 11/22/2019
Let’s go into the weekend remembering that you can be thankful even for the difficult things in life because they open your eyes to the good things that you weren’t paying attention to.
If you have a decoration that you would like to donate to our tree please bring it in to the office.
If you have returned your chocolate fundraiser permission slip and you are signed up for DC. Please pick up a box of chocolate bars during lunch today.
Check the lost and found table. All items remaining items will be donated at the end of the day.
Don’t forget to come to the school play tonight or tomorrow. Doors open at 6:30pm.
We have one birthday today and it’s a special one: Happy Birthday to Mr Hufnagel who is turning 50 today but uses an excellent moisturizer. Be sure to give him a birthday high 5 if you see him!
We will be selling concessions at the end of the day today
Let’s make the end of our week RIDICULOUSLY AMAZING! Happy Friday!